Boron is an essential micronutrient for all plants. It plays an important role in cell division, flowering, fruiting, and transportation of food materials in the plant system.
Boron deficiency results in various symptoms like yellowing and malformation of young leaves, flower dropping, fruit cracking, etc., therefore affecting the yield and quality of the crop. Boro Top is an ideal micronutrient fertilizer, containing water-soluble boron (B) 20 % (Min) to correct boron deficiency in soil and crops resulting in maximum crop yields.
Dosage:Foliar application of 0.1 % to 0.15 % solution (1-1.5 gms / 1 lt of water) during the critical growth stage of the crop. Higher or lower concentrations can also be used depending on the nature of the crop and its requirement. Give 2-3 sprays at 15-20 days intervals during flowering and fruiting
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