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Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer for Foliar & Nutrigation

Specially crystalline 100% water soluble

Complex Fertilizer (Foliar Spray Nutrition)

YIELD MAX CN is a completely water Soluble Calcium Nitrate that is in Granular form. It contains entirely macro essential nutrients. YIELD MAX Calcium Nitrate can be applied to the crop by fertigation or through the foliar spray.

YIELD MAX Calcium Nitrate consisting of 15.5% nitrogen (N) in readily available form and 18.5% calcium (Ca). Calcium is important for crop production and has a role in improving the colour, lustre and quality of fruits.

YIELD MAX Calcium Nitrate improves nutrients absorption through roots and translocation through plants. Crucial for plant cell division and strong cell walls.

Crops: Cotton, Chillies, Paddy, Vegetables, Citrus, Mango, Watermelon, Groundnut, Pulse crops and all other crops.

Dosage & Usage instructions: 0.4-0.5% concentration (4-5 gms / lit of Water) to be sprayed on the crop foliage, 1-3 kg /acre for fertigation or soil application.

Calcium Nitrate: N -15.5, Ca -18.5

Composition: Content

Total Nitrogen(Ammonical & Nitrate form): 15.5%

Nitrate Nitrogen (as N): 14.5%

Water Soluble Calcium (as Ca): 18.5%

Matter insoluble in water: 1.5%

Category: Product ID: 22377


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